Thots on Mast3@DIT Induction Session


In a post here, Geomatics lecturer reflects on her first meeting with the students.

The session went considerably well and when you consider the technical challenges, we might say it went VERY well, so well done A!

Doing a dry run of your proposed implementation to test connections, etc is definitely important, but sometimes the first session can be your dry run as it would seem to be in this case…as you have no way of having the students prior.

I have been at one of Kerry’s sessions and it really does break the ice.

As I mentioned in previous post, the WIFI network not being a teaching/learning network determines how much of a priority it is to ensure it is significantly boosted around DIT buildings. The other thing to note is that as many of the buildings are so old, they can present challenges for both 3G and WIFI, so to find an appropriate solution it is definitely necessary to work with IT services to  consider  “outside the box” approaches…we will continue to see what can be arranged in the time we have.

I would really like to see the students’ reluctance explored…along the lines of… “ Initial perception or reception of mobile technologies for learning….the student view.”

If at all possible, at the beginning of your next session…address their seeming reluctance using a simple exercise.

Suggested exercise : Distribute post its and ask students to respond to the question:

What do you think about using your mobile phone for learning as described?

And then gather the post-its and try to address the concerns raised…but it will give you an idea of what they are thinking. You can also then revisit this questions at the end of the term.

Let’s see how they get on during the next week with downloading the AI companion software themselves….they might have been tired for is only the beginning of term after a lovely summer:-)

Those stats are as I would have expected as far as the android share goes but the Windows-Apple proportions does surprise me….I wonder what that says about Apple’s dominance…and how this might look like in another year…especially with the new iphone5c…but that is another post for another day!



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